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niedziela, 21 września 2014

Angaż potwierdzony

Wczoraj Esther McCarthy zapowiedziała wywiad z Colinem, który ukaże się w Sunday World, w którym Colin potwierdza angaż do serialu. Zdjęcia będą kręcone w Los Angeles.
Speaking to The Sunday World, the 38-year-old star said, “I’m doing the second series. I’m so excited.”
"I know it will be eight episodes and take around four or five moths to shoot.  I know very little about it, but we're shooting in the environs of Los Angeles which is great.  It means I get to stay at home and see the kids
- See more at: http://www.independent.ie/entertainment/television/tv-news/colin-farrell-confirms-true-detective-role-30603183.html#sthash.ZFD5GB7u.dpuf

I’m doing the second series
Speaking to The Sunday World, the 38-year-old star said, “I’m doing the second series. I’m so excited.”
"I know it will be eight episodes and take around four or five moths to shoot.  I know very little about it, but we're shooting in the environs of Los Angeles which is great.  It means I get to stay at home and see the kids
- See more at: http://www.independent.ie/entertainment/television/tv-news/colin-farrell-confirms-true-detective-role-30603183.html#sthash.ZFD5GB7u.dpuf

8 komentarzy:

  1. http://www.justjared.com/photo-gallery/3200591/colin-farrell-is-such-a-mommas-boy-08/


  2. Speaking to The Sunday World, the 38-year-old star said, “I’m doing the second series. I’m so excited.”

    "I know it will be eight episodes and take around four or five moths to shoot. I know very little about it, but we're shooting in the environs of Los Angeles which is great. It means I get to stay at home and see the kids."

    Farrell revealed the rest of the cast are still being locked down.
    - See more at: http://www.independent.ie/entertainment/television/tv-news/colin-farrell-confirms-true-detective-role-30603183.html#sthash.tr76VWM6.dpuf

  3. http://aktivist.pl/colin-farrell-potwierdz-bede-drugim-sezonie-true-detective/

  4. http://hatak.pl/artykuly/colin-farrell-oficjalnie-w-2-sezonie-serialu-detektyw

  5. http://www.justjared.com/2014/09/21/colin-farrell-confirms-hes-joining-true-detective-season-2-read-his-statement/

  6. http://www.laineygossip.com/Colin-Farrell-confirms-hes-in-True-Detective-season-2/31377

  7. http://www.sundayworld.com/top-stories/news/exclusive-colin-farrell-confirms-true-detective-role
